Factor Energía signs an agreement with Horizontia Energy for the development of renewable generation projects
Factor Energía signs an agreement with Horizontia Energy for the development of renewable generation projects.
Factor Energía, through its subsidiary Factor Energía Generación, has reached an agreement with Horizontia Energía, whereby both companies will jointly develop electricity generation projects from renewable sources, specifically photovoltaic solar energy.
Factor Energía and Horizontia Energía, with this agreement, will each participate 50% in the companies of each generation project that they develop jointly, sourcing the technical expertise and resources necessary for the development of these projects, according to Factor Energía.
In addition, the agreement provides that Factor Energía can propose PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements) to the companies created for each generation project, which would allow the marketer to acquire the energy generated without depending on the prices of the wholesale markets.
Factorenergia thus advances in the development of its own renewable energy generation parks to become an integral company, as well as in increasing its customer base and promoting the growth of the energy transition business.
Finally, by opting for energy generation, Factor Energía seeks to gain independence from market prices (pool) to offer more competitive prices to its customers.
Currently, it has a portfolio of more than 100,000 clients, including households, SMEs and industries. The company is also committed to internationalization as a lever for growth and currently has a presence in Spain, Portugal and Mexico, with more than 270 employees and 15 offices.
Its internationalization plans go through replicating the model in countries with markets in the process of liberalization, mainly in certain Latin American markets such as Colombia or Chile.